Can I get a Free Replacement vehicle After an Accident?

In the UK, if you are involved in a road traffic accident and you are not liable for the accident, you are eligible for a replacement vehicle for no charge. At the same time, your car is being repaired from approved garages. You will get the replacement vehicle for free as the insurers of the at-fault driver will pay for the cost of the hire vehicle.

You will have a hire vehicle through the credit hire services, and it applies to a comparable vehicle according to your needs and requirements to keep you on the road. The accident management company provided us with a hire vehicle to avoid any inconveniences while the vehicle is repaired.

We can have a replacement or hire vehicle if our vehicle is repaired or requires routine maintenance.

How to Qualify for a Free Replacement Vehicle

We can have a replacement vehicle for free after a road accident in the UK.

  • Non-fault Accident

You must not be liable for the accident to be eligible for a replacement vehicle for no cost or upfront charges. 

  • Like to like vehicles

The replacement vehicle you can have after an accident is like your own vehicle or according to your requirements. You will have the vehicle within 24 hours of the accident.

  • Claim Timeframe

You can keep the replacement vehicle for the time your car is repaired from the repair shop or garage. 

  • Credit Hire Services

To have a replacement vehicle after an accident, you can contact a credit hire company that will manage and handle the process of providing you with a hire car and recovering the hire charges from the at-fault driver’s insurer. 

Comparable Vehicle

We are aware that the size and specifications of your vehicle are important factors when purchasing a new vehicle. After a non-fault accident, it’s unjustified to be left without the type of vehicle you depend on for going to work, travelling, and other daily life uses.

As a leading credit hire company, we provide a replacement vehicle that is comparable to your vehicle in size and specifications. You can use the replacement vehicle to return to your daily routine and work without any hassle.

A Replacement Vehicle for No Cost

An Accident Management company provides services at no cost to non-fault drivers. The services also include a comparable replacement vehicle after an accident.

If you are thinking about the hire vehicle charges, you do not have to pay any cost for the replacement vehicle.  The at-fault driver’s insurance company pays all costs and losses.

As part of claims management services, we claim all costs and recover them from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. These costs include the following:

  1. Roadside Recovery after an accident
  2. Vehicle Storage (if required)
  3. Comparable Replacement Vehicle
  4. Vehicle Repairs
  5. Total loss Settlement Claim
  6. Personal injury Compensation

Hire Vehicle vs Insurers Courtesy Vehicle

After a non-fault accident, if you speak to your own insurance company, you’ll be provided with a courtesy car. Your insurers will not provide you with a comparable vehicle according to your specifications.  On the other hand, if you contact an accident management company after a non-fault accident, we provide you with a comparable hire vehicle that matches your vehicle.

No Insurance Excess

If you speak to your insurance company to file a claim instead of contacting an accident management company, your insurers will ask you to pay your policy excess to claim. Whereas, while making a claim with an accident management company, you do not have to pay any policy excess.

We do not make a compensation claim against your insurance policy. We always claim directly against the faulty driver’s insurance policy. In this case, you do not have to pay any policy excess. This is very beneficial for the vehicle drivers not at fault.

Benefits of having A Replacement Vehicle

The faulty driver’s insurance company claims the cost of the replacement vehicle provided to the non-fault driver. We can contact a Credit Hire Company like Accident Claims Assist to make sure that your rights are protected after the road traffic accident of your vehicle being off-road through no fault.

  • No Excess Payment

It is important to understand that if you have a Comprehensive insurance cover, you are eligible to obtain a replacement vehicle and make a claim for compensation not on your insurance policy.

  • Untouched Claims Bonus

We will handle your whole claim process from start to settlement through the third-party insurance company and make sure that your claim bonus remains untouched.

  • Stay on The Road

After an accident, if your vehicle is not roadworthy, it will be transported to a garage for repairs. Utilizing the hire vehicle service will keep you on the road.

  • Comparable Vehicle

The insurance companies may not give priority to your best interests after the accident. They convince you to have a replacement vehicle from them instead of having the vehicle from an independent accident management company.
You are eligible for a like-to-like replacement vehicle after an accident by law, and we always make sure that you are provided with a vehicle like your own vehicle or according to your requirements. Before having a replacement vehicle from your insurance company, speak to your lawyer for assistance.

  • No Deposit

Like the other benefits, another benefit is that we will never ask you to pay a deposit. Fleet insurance covers our clients fully and comprehensively and checks the terms and conditions. The policy excess is nil for accidents reported within 24 hours.

Why Choose Us

We are the leading Accident Management and Credit hire company providing services in the UK.

As an Accident management company, we deal with your claim on No Win No Fee basis, and your Comfort is our No. 1 Priority at Accident Claims Assist.

Here’s why you should choose us over going directly through your insurer:

  • Keep your claim’s bonus untouched
  • Get replacement vehicles same day
  • No hidden fees or charges
  • End-to-End Services
  • Stress Reduction
  • Cost Consideration
  • Complete Support from the Initial Consultation

Our UK accident management experts work tirelessly on every aspect of the claim, from dealing with insurance companies to handling vehicle repairs and recovery to personal injury claims.

For more information and assistance, call us on 0203 642 8857 to speak to our experienced team or email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to repair a car after an accident?

The duration to repair a vehicle after an accident depends on the vehicle’s damages. If the vehicle damages are minor, such as dents or scratches, repairs can often be completed in a week or before that. However, if your car has structural damage after an accident, it may take weeks to repair.

  • What happens if my car is not insured?

In the UK, if your vehicle in use is not insured, your vehicle will be taken away. You will also have to pay a fine and get points on your license.

  • What details do I need to exchange after a road traffic accident in the UK?

If you’ve been involved in a road accident, you need to stop and provide your details like your name, address, vehicle owner’s name, insurance details and vehicle’s registration number.

  • Is it illegal to provide insurance details after a road accident?

If you have an accident resulting in damages and injury, you must provide your details to the injured party.

Frequently Asked Question's

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