Road traffic accidents affect our lives and leave us in a state of shock and fear. The fear of memory of the accident can trigger severe psychological disorders such as anxiety, fear, headaches and panic. Attacks, sleeping disorders.
The physical and psychological effects after an accident, including injuries because of the accident, can also have psychological effects.
Psychological disorders have a deep effect on the immune system. Sleeping can be difficult due to depression, anxiety, nightmares and headaches. Emotional and psychological issues can have effects on your daily living, work and physical injury recovery. You may have a fear of travelling and driving a car, which makes it difficult for you to go out of your home, go to work, go for medical treatment and other inconveniences.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological disorder caused by difficult and traumatic circumstances. The individuals who have PTSD or similar symptoms cannot recover, and the condition may become worse. Motor vehicle accidents can be a cause of PTSD.
The study found that the individuals experience post-traumatic stress disorder after a car accident:
- Individuals with a previous history of psychological issues.
- Victims who were not at fault
- Female survivors of the accident.
Psychological disorders can be
- Flashbacks
- Nightmares
- Trouble sleeping
- Emotional distress
- Detachment from loved ones & Family
- Difficulty concentrating
- Aggressive Behaviour
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Feelings of hopelessness
Panic& Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety can be because of a road accident. Even if we are driving the car again can cause fear, panic attacks and anxiety.
You will feel your heart start beating, your breath becomes short, and your hands start shaking when you think about driving the car again after the accident. Some car accidents have a deep effect on driving a vehicle or travelling, while other people feel safe on the road.
The remnants of car accidents often suffer from post-accident stress, emotional numbness and depression.
This may be due to the sudden loss of mobility or memorizing the accident in your mind. You might find yourself withdrawing from family members or losing interest in things that used to bring you happiness in your life before the accident.
Guilt and Anger
Feelings of guilt and anger are also common emotional effects of accidents, especially when the accident causes some unrecoverable loss.
Behavioural Changes
When it comes to the psychological consequences after an accident, it affects different people and varies from age to age.
The psychological effects and post-accident trauma on children and minors are different than adults. Kids may not be able to understand what happened, leading them to express their behavioural changes.
Nightmares, separation anxiety, and fear of travel are common reactions for individuals. The children also exhibit mood swings as they try to figure out feelings they do not understand.
While older adults can feel worse psychological effects after a car accident, they may have less confidence to drive on the road or get around after a car accident.
For the elderly, the recovery process can be slow, and the psychological impact effects may be heavier because of physical and emotional limitations.
The psychological effects can be different from gender to gender, and how they deal with the effects of a car accident. Different studies show that women can seek emotional support and discuss their feelings after the accident, which can lead to faster recovery.
According to recent research and studies, the most common cause of trauma is in 32% of males and 13% of females after an accident.
Social and Professional Effects
The consequences of a car accident not only affect the victim but also affect relationships with family members and loved ones.
Communicating your social needs or feelings is difficult, eliminating family members and loved ones.
Strategies to Recover
We can recover from the trauma and psychological effects.
Professional Assistance
Seeking professional attention is a step toward recovery from the psychological effects as a result of a car accident. The therapists can provide treatments like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which helps you recover from negative thoughts and depression.
Approaches to Recover
Apart from therapy, accident victims find they recover through meditation and yoga. These therapies and meditation reduce anxiety and emotional numbness.
These approaches also reduce the accident memories and flashbacks associated with PTSD and other psychological disorders. Regular exercise also helps us improve mental health after a car accident.
Emotional Support
Our Loved ones and friends play an important role in your post-accident recovery. The support from friends and Family can make a difference, and letting them know what you are feeling and accepting their support reduce elimination.
The people who understand your needs and are willing to create a safe and supportive environment for your healing are supportive.
Therapies and Treatment Effects
You can have flashbacks and nightmares of the accident for days, weeks or more after a car accident. Remember that whatever you’re feeling is okay. There is no right or wrong.
- Accept your feelings. Your recovery will slow down if we ignore the feelings.
- Don’t think about the accident. Try to divert your attention or engage yourself in work.
- Follow your normal routine for comfort.
- Do not make any decisions while you recover.
- Do not read or listen to the news of the accident.
- Be patient with yourself.
- Overcome your sense of helplessness by taking positive actions, such as volunteering your time, donating to good causes, or helping people in need.
- Avoid isolating yourself. Connecting to others after a trauma can help you access support and feel less alone.
- Exercise. This can release positive feelings and burn off adrenaline.
- Adopt stress management techniques, such as breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, to help you through stressful moments.
- Consume a healthy diet.
- Make sleep a priority. Sleep can be difficult when dealing with trauma, but lack of sleep can exaggerate negative emotions and make it more difficult to make positive choices.
- Seek one-on-one counselling or a support group if your feelings haven’t improved within four to six weeks, especially if your symptoms are disrupting daily activities or causing suicidal thoughts.
Compensation for Psychological Effects after an accident
Your compensation for psychological disorders depends on the severity and how long you have been suffering from it. To understand this, here is an example: If you have recovered from the PTSD symptoms within 2 years from the accident to recovery, you can have a compensation amount between £4,000 – £8,000 for final settlement.